Pine64 Unboxing

Welcome to my new post. This time we are looking at a product that just got me by mail. This is the PINE64, The first $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer, that has raising over $1.7M in Kickstarter.
During this post I will just show the unboxing and the first impression/opinion of the board, from now on I will also add and publish new tutorials and projects about the Pine64. The one thing that I'm to give opinion about in this post, will be the details of packaging and shipping.
After a long and impatient wait, today I received my package with the Pine64 2Gb of RAM and acrylic case. I leave some pictures of the unboxing and the assembly of the acrylic case.
Slider broken, Will fix it as soon as I can.
First, I was greatly surprised by the high quality of the acrylic case, and it's large size. The two glass plates are acrylic 5 mm thick, and with dimensions of 165 mm long and 120 mm wide. The board is attached on the lower base. The case total height is 58 mm, taking into account the four pillars connecting the two plates. The acrylic case gave me a great impression for the $9.99 price that it has, which exceeded all my expectations. I have to say that the case, brings an extra screw (small ones securing the Pine64 to the lower acrylic plate) in case you lose some, quite kind.
As for the most important, the Pine64, is robust, not as much as the Arduino UNO (the plate with the best quality and most robust board I've ever had) and compared with the Raspberry Pi 2 is also somewhat less robust, but without much difference. The overall quality is average, the edges of the plate could be polished a little more and misses being a bit thicker.
Taking into account that it's their first board as developers, I will give them a pass (6.5 out of 10) in quality. Although I expect improvements in future releases on, it's robustness and quality finishes. And again, remember this is NOT a review of its performance.
In future post I will be showing the performance tests and more tutorials and projects with the pine64. After 2-3 months of testing, I will make a final post with my opinion about this product.
I hope you liked, greetings and leave any doubt in the comments. Until next time!