Welcome to my new blog!

There was quite a lot of time since I wanted to create an IT blog, in which I could share all my projects, ideas, news, about Informatics in general. Some months ago I decided to start creating my own web page, the idea was simple, to have a personal space with both, personal and professional information. Something like a "Curriculum vitae". Something that until now was only usual on web designers. Furthermore, I wanted a site where I could show all my projects, like a "portfolio". There was when I decided to expand my web, and add a Blog to it, so I could share all my knowledge with all of you.
But, What is going to be about?
Well, the idea is simple, anything related to computer science, both the software side , and hardware. Just to give an example, I intend to publish a couple of projects related with the Raspberry Pi, a review of all the Code or Text editor I have used since I started to code, some post about interesting and useful programs, some hardware comparisons...
In conclusion a bit of everything, as my projects and knowledge progresses, I will share them with you.
Any schedule for posts?
Not on the beginning, as I progress on the projects and new ideas comes to me, I will post more. I do not compromise my self to say any date, just because each project is unique, requiring different procedures and time for to go life and to write the post itself.
What structure is going to follow the blog?
The blog is going to be organized on categories. Those are going to be created as new projects and posts are published. Each category is a word that describes the general idea of the project. Every project is going to have at least one category. For example, a post that is about creating a server on a Raspberry Pi, is going to have "Software" and "Raspberry Pi" as categories, even more in the case those fits on it.
Each post is going to have also some Tags, that I'm going to use as additional filters, like the language the post is written or keywords for the project. Also, I'm going to organize some post on folders or series for projects that use the same base, for example: All the Raspberry Pi projects are going to be on the "Raspberry Pi Projects" folder.
Is everything going to be in English?
No, all the post are written in two languages, English and Spanish. Each one of the in a different post, for making all more efficient and organized. Each one of them is going to have the corresponding tag, of the corresponding language. On the main menu you will have two sub-pages under the Blog menu button, one for each language, so it's easy to see which one is which and does not disturb the other.